An Incredible Story During Reception With Student of APIUM University Of Malaya (Day-3)

September 20, 2016, oleh: superadmin

Alhamdulillah first of all, let us say thanks to Allah SWT which has given us guidance and blessing, therefore we can meet with the students of Akademi Pengajaran Islam Universiti Malaya (APIUM) in good health. Tuesday, 20th Sept 2016 is our fourth day in University of Malaya. In this day we had so many interesting and impressed activities. We had the schedule from 09.00 am until 5 pm. At 09.00 am we had reception from Islamic Education Students Association of APIUM and at 03.00 pm until 5 pm we attended class.
In reception  from Islamic Education Students Association of APIUM they introduced themselves one by one and then they presented about their faculty, department and also their programs of students organization in APIUM. In the departement program of Islamic education in APIUM has two specific programs, there are Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Islam (Pengajian Al-Qur’an) and Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Islam (Pengajian Islam). They has so many programs in their departement, there are, class for memorizing the Qur’an, arabic class, sports, and the other.
Reseption from Islamic Education Students Association of APIUM
After they finished their presentation, we introduced ourselves one by oneand presented about Muhammadiyah, profil of UMY, faculty of Islamic Religion, departement of islamic education and also the programs in our organization.
Introduction sesson the students of UMY
As we know Indonesia is the an archipalago country with so many language, cultur, tradition, food and the others. And that’s very interesting to be delivered to the students of APIUM. The students of UMY come from different regions, in the introduction session they also promote their regions. Aron promote about his hometown, Wonosobo and telling the interesting destination in Wonosobo, Aziz also promote about Jogja city, and sing a jogja’s song, Ni’mah trying to speak ngapak language and as soon as students of APIUM laughing loudly. The atmosphere is very pleasant and all seemed happy. And the studentsof APIUM so interested to visit Indonesia especially Yogyakarta and also UMY.  Before the sharing session closed, Aron ask to the student of APIUM to tell the name and the origin the student of UMY. And finally the sharing session closed by took some pictures.
Nikmah tried to speak ngapak in front of APIUM’s students
Aziz sing jogja’s song
Aron ask the student of APIUM to tell the name and origin the student of UMY
At 03.00 am we attend the class the subject is Pengajaran Micro thaugh by Dr Ahmad bin Yussof untill 05.00 pm. After we finished the class we had farewell with our lectures, Dr. Abd. Madjid, M.Ag. Nurwanto, M.Ed. Naufal Ahmad Rijalul Alam, MA. Which have lead us and given us support, motivation, and prayed to our success to be the participant of Student Exchange Program. We very grateful to Dr. Abd. Madjid, M.Ag. Nurwanto, M.Ed. Naufal Ahmad Rijalul Alam, MA. May Allah always protect them, repay them with kindness, give them health. Amiin…
Wish us luck in order to bring the good name of UMY especially departement of Islamic Education Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta. J