Students and Alumni

Testimoni alumni

Ananto Isworo, S.Ag

" (Founder Gerakan Shadaqah Sampah Kampung Brajan, Tamantirto) Perjalanan saya kuliah di FAI UMY bukan hanya mendapatkan ilmu tentang agama, tetapi juga tentang ilmu kehidupan. Keseimbangan antara ilmu langit dan membumikannya menjadi karya amal, mengabdi pada lingkungan. Karena proses pendewasaan berpikir dan bertindak yang diajarkan menjadikan saya menjadi manusia yang lebih matang, survive. "

- Ananto Isworo, S.Ag -

Ayub (Master Student at School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS) London

" " Studying Islam has been always my pasiion, and I have dream that someday I will be a teacher or maybe a lecturer who teach people the beauty of Islam. Thanks God, He granted me an opportunity to study at the Department of Islamic Education (PAI) UMY. My experience at PAI UMY wes very fascinating and helpful to fulfil my dream. Iwas not only taaught the key concepts of traditional Islamic sciences (ulum ad-din) but also essential pedagogical skills to effectively teach students. On top of that, at PAI UMY I found friendly classmates, supportive lecturers, and welcoming faculty. " "

- Ayub (Master Student at School of Oriental and Asian Studies (SOAS) London -